Constellation Homes


Custom Design & Construct


At Constellation homes we pride ourselves on going the extra mile for our clients. Good old fashioned values and work ethic set us apart from our peers. The team are all extremely experienced building professionals who care about the outcome from concept discussion to design delivery and all the way through to project completion. Our unique  unparalleled construction process gives our clients the flexibility and freedom of choice they deserve. We guarantee you will be extremely happy you found us. Call us today and book your free consultation

Why Choose Us

Build Better Together

Our Services

Perfect homes are built one detail at a time

Custom Homes

Design and Build your Dream Home.
Make it unique and exclusive to you.


Maximise your returns.
Single storey developments delivered in 16 weeks.


Upgrade your home or extend it
with our fast efficient process.

Our Projects

Let us create your masterpiece

Double Storey

Triple Storey

Triple Storey

Double Storey



Triple Storey


Floor Plans

Beautiful custom designed homes

Single Storey

The consultation team design and build amazing single storey homes.

Double Storey

Make the most of your block. Going Double Storey.
will create unique features in your home.

Triple Storey

Discover elevated living with our triple-storey homes, offering versatility, and stunning architectural design.


Fast track your investment return with Constellation Homes customized development process.

Visit Us

Constellation Homes


3/15 Delawney Street, Balcatta, WA, 6021.